"Yes Oscar Meltdown. It's that magical night where we, here at Movie Meltdown, get together on Oscar night and then completely disregard the Oscars and hand out our own coveted awards - The Foilers!"
Spoiler Alert: It's REALLY hard to announce some of these categories without spoiling certain aspects of the films. So... potential spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Hateful Eight, Bone Tomahawk, Mad Max: Fury Road, Sicario, Ex-Machina and probably several other movies along the way. You have been warned.
These were the winners announced at our exclusive and fancy awards ceremony this year...
1. Most questionable career decision made by an actor/actress/filmmaker in 2015?
And the nominees are...
A - Making "The Walk", despite the fact that an award-winning documentary already exists about it. ("I HATE THIS MOVIE!" -Anonymous Voter)
B - Netflix signing a deal with Adam Sandler.
C - Mila Kunis for Jupiter Ascending. (I didn't hate the movie, and I like her as an actress. I'm afraid, though, that it's going to be harder for her to get interesting roles being the lead of a pretty substantial flop.)
D - Rooney Mara as Tigerlily in "PAN".
E - Sam Rockwell in "Poltergeist"?
And the WINNER is: Mordecai
"What the hell was that Mordecai movie? Did anyone go see that? Are there people that love Johnny Depp so much they would pay to see that? Is Johnny Depp trying to ruin all goodwill people have toward him? What the hell was he doing in Tusk? How do these things happen?" - Anonymous Voter
2. Most shocking moment in a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - The part in Chappie when I secretly kind of liked it.
B - The flashback with oral sex and murder in "The Hateful Eight".
C - Me crying at the end of Terminator: Genysis when the Terminator dies.
D - The "fillet scene" in "Bone Tomahawk".
E - The bear attack in "The Revenant".
And the WINNER is: The fate of Han Solo in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens".
3. Most miscast actor/actress for their role in a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - Emma Stone in "Aloha".
B - Johnny Depp in Black Mass.
C - Miles Teller as Reed Richards in Fant-4-stic.
D - Adam Driver in "The Force Awakens".
E - Channing Tatum in "The Hateful Eight".
And the WINNER is: Benedict Cumberbatch in Black Mass.
4. Most impressive visuals (CG, practical, whatever…) in a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
B - "Ant-Man" fighting scenes
C - Crimson Peak
D - Krampus
E - The android in "Ex-Machina". (RUNNER-UP with a lot of votes)
And the WINNER is: Mad Max: Fury Road
5. Most obnoxious use of CGI in a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - Jupiter Ascending ("Complete CG overkill." - Anonymous Voter)
B - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
C - Jurassic World
D - Ultron's mouth ("ROBOTS DON'T NEED LIPS." - Anonymous Voter)
E - Alvin and the Chipmunks
And the WINNER is: Fantastic Four "About a third of the way in. The studio must have cut off Josh Trank's budget at the proverbial knees." - Anonymous Voter
6. Best kill in a film in 2015?
And the nominees are...
A - Old Arnold kills young Arnold in "Terninator: Genysis"
B - The death of Immortan Joe in "Fury Road"
C - The mind-blowing sequence in "Kingsman".
D - Bathroom kill at the beginning of "Crimson Peak"
E - Crotch split in Bone Tomahawk. (Host pick... as winner)
And the WINNER is: Benicio Del Toro's revenge in "Sicario" (aka family dinner murder).
7. Best villain in a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - Rose Byrne in "Spy"
B - The War Boys in "Fury Road".
C - Immortan Joe in "Fury Road".
D - Tom Hardy in "The Revenant".
E - The Catholic church in "Spotlight".
And the WINNER is: Kylo Ren
8. Best monster in a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - Christian Grey in "50 Shades of Grey"
B - Whitey Bulger (Johnny Depp) in "Black Mass".
C - Bing Bong & Jangles the Clown from "Inside Out"
D - Red ghosts of "CRIMSON PEAK"
E - The troglodytes in "Bone Tomahawk".
And the WINNER is: The Bear in "The Revenant".
9. Best action sequence in a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - Traffic Jam/border crossing scene in "Sicario".
B - Ant-Man and Yellow Jacket fight on the train.
C - First flight and battle for the Millieum Falcon in "The Force Awaken".
D - Full team attack at the beginning AND Hulk vs. Iron Man in "The Age of Ultron".
E - The melee in the church in "Kingsman".
And the WINNER is: The entirety of "Mad Mad: Fury Road".
10. Forget their impressive acting skills... “hottest” actor/actress in a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - The Rock
B - Michael B. Jordan in "Creed"
C - Tom Hiddleston in "Crimson Peak"
D - Zac Effron
E - Kurt Russell (Bone Tomahawk/The Hateful Eight)
And the WINNER is: Oscar Issac in "The Force Awakens"
Actress: (we had a few extra nominees on this one)
A - Emma Stone in "Aloha".
B - Charlize Theron in "Mad Max"
C - Scarlett Johannson in "Age of Ultron"
D - Alexandra Daddario in "Burying the Ex"
E - The Wives in "Mad Max"
F - Jennifer Jason Leigh in "Anomalisa" (by the way, stop-motion puppet)
G - Zoe Kravitz in "Dope"
H - Tessa Thompson in "Creed"
J - Jennifer Lawrance in "Joy"
K - Selma Hayek in "Everly"
And the WINNER is: Daisy Ridley in "The Force Awakens"
11. The 2015 movie you expected to hate, but ended up enjoying?
And the nominees are...
A - Goosebumps
B - Fantastic Four
C - Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
D - Jupiter Ascending
E - Minions
And the WINNER is: Creed
12. Dreariest study of the human condition (in a film in 2015)?
And the nominees are...
A - Anomalisa
B - Chappie
C - John Cusack bits in "Love and Mercy".
D - The Revenant
E - The Entourage Movie
And the WINNER is: (tie) Ex-Machina and The Hateful Eight "Every last despicable one of them."
(And Jacqueline's personal winner is "Spotlight".)
13. Favorite use of a song in a 2015 film? (It does NOT have to be originally created for the film.)
And the nominees are...
A - "Girls just want to have fun" from Anomalisa
B - "Uptown Girl/Let's get Ridiculous" from Trainwreck
C - "Fuck the Police" from Straight out of Compton
D - "Get Down Saturday Night" from Ex-Machina
E - "Waiting for my Moment" from Creed
And the WINNER is: (tie) "Plainsong" by The Cure from Ant-Man and "The Big Ship" by Brian Eno from Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
14. Favorite score in a 2015 film? (Again, it does not have to be specifically created for the film.)
And the nominees are...
A - "Turbo Kid" - score by Le Matos
B - "Fury Road" - Score by Junkie XL
C - "Sicario" - score by Johann JoHANason
D - "Love and Mercy" - Score by Atticus Ross
E - "Straight Outta Compton" - Score by Joseph Trapanese (Runner-up)
And the WINNER is: The Hateful Eight - Score by Ennio Morricone
15. Most impressive director of a 2015 film?
And the nominees are...
A - Denise Villeneuve - "Sicario"
B - Alfonso Gomez-Rejon - "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"
C - J.J. Abrams - "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"
D - S. Craig Zahler for "Bone Tomahawk"
E - Ryan Coogler - "Creed" (Runner-up )
And the WINNER is: George Miller for "Fury Road" (Runaway winner, with over 2/3rds of the votes)
16. Favorite (what you would consider) indie movie in 2015?
And the nominees are...
A - Anomalisa
B - Ex Machina
C - Tangerine
D - That Guy Dick Miller
E - Slow West
And the WINNER is: (tie) Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and Turbo Kid
17. Favorite (what you would consider) mainstream movie in 2015?
And the nominees are...
A - Sicario
B - The Big Short
C - Star Wars: The Force Awakens
D - Carol
E - Creed
And the WINNER is: Mad Max: Fury Road (Another runaway, with almost as many votes as George Miller.)
Thank you to ALL of our friends and listeners out there, specifically the people who actually GOT INVOLVED and helped us vote on these categories. The show definitely works better if YOU get involved, so e-mail us at- geeks@moviemeltdown.com and let us know you're out there, let us you how you can help the show... AND how you would like to be part of the show. But definitely thank you to everyone who voted for this year's winners. - Bryan
And a big thanks from Zuzu... award-winning dog.